Vending Machines Workplace Blog

Choosing the Best Location for Your Office Vending Machine

31 August 2023
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Marketing Team
Sector spaces with a breakout area well lit, with wooden accents and orange furniture

Having a vending machine in your office can be highly beneficial as they provide convenient access to snacks and beverages for your employees and visitors throughout their busy day. Helping to boost employee morale and satisfaction by offering quick solutions to their refreshment needs. However, the success of these vending machines largely depends on their locations within the office. Placing them in high-traffic areas like break rooms, near meeting rooms or close to workstations can maximise their usage, increasing their effectiveness in catering to the office’s needs.

In this blog, we’ll be exploring the best locations for a vending machine so you can maximise its usage, profitability and the overall satisfaction level of its users.

Things to consider when deciding on the best location for your office vending machine

In the following sections, we’ll be discussing the optimal locations within an office setting, to position your vending machines, so you can evaluate what will work best for you and your business.


Consider the high-traffic zones

High foot traffic is the key component to successfully selecting the best location for your office vending machine. Vending machine purchases typically fall into two categories: impulse or habitual purchases. Your employees may opt for a quick pick-me-up during their busy day when a tempting snack catches their eye, or they may make regular purchases from a machine they encounter daily, such as in their workplace break rooms, cafeterias or near the entrance. As these spots are usually visited by a large number of employees throughout the day, this will ensure a steady stream of potential customers due to their visibility and accessibility.

As well as encouraging frequent purchases, high-traffic areas often serve as a social hub, making the vending machine locations a convenient focal point for quick refreshments and social interactions, enhancing your employee’s overall satisfaction levels and workplace sentiments. Especially if you opt to create an innovative micro market solution for complete convenience with self-serving food options and beverages onsite.


Make sure your vending machine is eye-catching

Picking a spot that allows for clear visibility from multiple points within the office is crucial when deciding on the best locations to put a vending machine. Visibility ensures that your employees can easily spot the machines as they move around the office, increasing the likelihood of them taking a break and grabbing a snack. As well as this, clear visibility also increases curiosity and interest among your employees, prompting those who have not considered a vending purchase initially, to do so once they notice a machine conveniently placed in their line of sight.


Cater to your employee’s preferences

Considering the nature of your business and the snacks and beverages offered in the vending machines is essential when choosing its location in an office. Different businesses will typically cater to their employee’s varied preferences so the vending machine locations should also align with those requirements. For example, in a health-conscious company, positioning the vending machine locations near the break room or gym might encourage employees to make healthier snack choices, especially if they have been stocked with nutritious alternatives. With the current rise in health-conscious vending machines, these machines might become more and more evident within the office space. Tailoring the location to match the specific demands of your business and workforce, ensures that the vending machine becomes a valuable addition rather than a background feature.


Consider the maintenance procedure

When selecting the location for a vending machine it is crucial to consider the practical factors also, such as:

  • Access to electrical outlets
  • Effective ventilation
  • Accessibility for maintenance and restocking

Ensuring that the chosen spot has nearby electrical connections prevents any operational issues whilst confirming smooth functioning. Adequate ventilation is essential to prevent overheating and maintain the machine’s performance over time. Additionally, opting for a location with easy accessibility for maintenance and restocking enables effective machine replenishment for consistent availability of your employee’s favourite snacks and beverages, improving their overall satisfaction levels.

Coffee Beans spilling out of a recyclable paper bag

Choosing the right type of vending machine

When selecting the location of a vending machine it is important to consider the discussed factors, but most importantly, maintaining an open line of communication so that your business is ready to adapt based on any employee feedback. This could also include changing the type of vending machine based on the products it is stocked with.

To find out more about the different types of vending machines available, take a look at our blog post to help select your perfect solution.

Selecting the best location for an office vending machine depends on a thoughtful analysis of employee traffic, visibility, accessibility and complementary placement. The right choice will lead to increased usage, profitability and employee satisfaction. A well-placed vending machine not only serves to provide your employees with convenient access to energy-boosting snacks but also contributes to a positive work environment. By considering these factors and actively incorporating employee feedback, businesses can create a valuable space where refreshments are easily accessible, creating content and productive employees.

To find out which vending machine would work best for your business, get in touch with a member of our team who will help recommend the perfect solution.

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Vending Sense for your office vending machine

Here at Vending Sense, we offer a fully managed service meaning that we’ll stock, clean and maintain your machine throughout the entire rental agreement, so you can just sit back and relax. To find out more about this service, get in touch with a member of our team today.

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Connect your coworkers with tailored vending solutions to fuel your workspace. Enhance your employee wellbeing, sustainability and food safety in the workplace.

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